About Us

Our focus is on introducing authentic Chinese tea to all tea lovers. We source the finest selection of organic teas that have existed in the Sichuan area for more than 2000 years.

There are no artificial colours or flavours and 100% natural ingredients in our process. These teas can only be produced between 600-2000 metres above sea level in the Sichuan mountains. We’ve taken time to develop our organic tea into fresh fruit tea, cream tea and bubble milk tea.

莉·致力于为茶饮和茶文化爱好者带来最正宗的中国茗茶!我们臻选拥有2000年历史的中国四川有机茶叶,每一杯茶饮均无添加人工色素或香料,100%纯天然萃取;每一片茶叶均源自于600-2000米四川高海拔山区。经由不断测试、调制和研发,莉· 融合茶的清香,果的芬芳,奶的浓醇,推出独具特色的新鲜水果茶,丝滑奶盖茶和浓香珍珠奶茶,给味蕾带来一场全新的体验!


Monday - Friday

12pm - 8pm


11:30am - 8:30pm


11:30am - 6:30pm

25 Camden Passage, The Angel, London N1 8EA

For office catering requests and other questions, please email or call 07709 043406


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